The Voice of Public Education in Western Ohio

Sign Up for a Committee

WOEA COMMITTEES                                                                 

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING​                                                      Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm

The purpose of the Collective Bargaining committee shall be to afford opportunities for all
WOEA locals to improve their collective bargaining knowledge; to better prepare locals for the collective bargaining process; to foster the development of sound contractual provisions that improve the financial security and working conditions for members of the Local Associations; and to promote the best interests of local associations.
Chair: Pete Ziehler

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE                                                         Meets 4th Thursday of the month at 5 pm

The purpose of the Legislative Committee shall be responsible toscreen, evaluate and recommend legislative proposals for the annual session of the Fall Representative Assembly and shall be responsible for the implementation of legislative priorities, goals and policies as adopted by the Representative Assembly.
​Chaired by: LJuana Booker

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING                                 Meets 1st Wednesday of the month at 5 pm

The Local Development & Training committee shall assist, initiate, review, identify, develop and implement those activities and programs that help the Local Associations and members foster and enhance the current and future leadership of the Local Associations.
​​Chaired by: David Graham

HUMAN & CIVIL RIGHTS                                                            Meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 pm

The purpose of the Member Rights & Protection Committee is to promote, preserve and protect the human and civil rights of all members.
​Chaired by: Robin Blathers

PROFESSIONAL EFFICACY                                                         Meets 3rd Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm

To sustain and enhance the profession of education by fostering professional and personal growth opportunities for all education professionals to build optimal learning environments which will result in great public schools for all learners.
​Chaired by: Jovita Wade

ORGANIZING STRATEGY                                                             Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6 pm

To involve more members so that they can be informed and perform as association leaders, members and professionals. 
​Chaired by: Lauren Allman